Log 8, 2006-05-14

Since last time we have let go the moorings in Barcelona and at last we are on our way. It is always difficult to leave a place we have liked so much but at the same time it feels good to start against new goals and experiences.

The weekend before we left Barcelona a good old friend -Tina- visited us. She has worked in Kenya for several years but for the moment she worked in Ceret in France, a place near the Spanish border. She took the train down to B.and we had a very nice weekend together.

On the 27th of April we sloly sailed out from Marina Port Veil wihtout knowing if we were going to come back again. If we like to we are welcome back again next winter. We have a reservation in the Marina. It costs us 200€ but we lose only 20 of them if we don´t come back.

The first planned stop was Pollensa on Mallorca - 115 Nm from Barcelona. The wind was weak and slowly we sailed towards Cap Formentor. During the night we had to start the motor for some hours but the following day we rounded the rock heading the Pollensa Bay.
But we waited for half an hour before going in because there was a big thunder over Pollensa.
We recognized a lot of boats from last time we were here and we find at last a place we thought were free. Here we lay the first night but we have to find a new one the next day. Soon I recognize a guy from last time and with my new knowledges in Spanish I ask him if he has a emty place. No problem - very soon we have got a fine place. Later it turns out that it belonged to a diving-boat with 10 Germen - but that wasen´t our problem.

In Pollensa we spend 10 days with walking in the mountains, biking and working on the boat. We lay very cheap - only 4€/night. Our next goal is Cagliari on Sardinia`s south point about 300 Nm so we wait for proper winds.
One day when we are just going to leave we see Jaywalker coming in with Judy and Bill. They are American friends who have also spent the winter in Barcelona. We emty a bottle of Cava together in Unicorn before we leave for Sardinia.
Until 10 o`clock we have a fine sailing in 6-7 m/s. But suddenly the wind increases to about 15-16 m/s and twists against us and we have to take 2 reefs in the main sail. We also have to fall 300. Our course is now towards Algeria and not Sardinia. For 12 hours we sail with the wrong course before we can turn against Sardinia again. Now we get 20 hours of fine sailing with good wind from the right direction.
Ever since we left Barcelona we have had our "towed- generator " behind us. It function very good but we have to sail at least 4 knots.

After the second night`s early morning the wind is so weak so we have to start the motor. But soon the wind comes again. We decide not to go directly to Cagliari because we want to arrive there in daylight. We therfore go to Porto Malfatano - a bay on the south coast. When I the next morning take a bath in the water I nearly get a shock. It`s only 14 degrees in the water.
When we later go to Cagliari our warm-water hose bursts. The pump emties one of our water tanks before we discover what has happened so the next day we have to dry up.

In Cagliari we meet two Swedish boats who have been there during the winter. With one of them I have had mail-contact and it was now very nice to meet them f.or the first time.

Here we have also tested our short wave radio for the first time. We have checked in on "Med Cruisers Net"which is on every morning at 7:30. We have also talked with boats in Croatia and Turkey. It feels good that the installation now function after all work with it.

Håkan and Anna-Karin.